
CRP is Work in Progress.


Create-ROS-Project (CRP) is the simplest and fastest way to create and manage your Robotics Operating System (ROS) projects.

Installing and setting up ROS projects can be complex and annoying, especially for beginners. CRP is a standardized project initialization tool that aims to simplify ROS installation, project setup, project structure standardization, dependency management, pre-configure simulations, and deployment. Using proven practices and technologies for ROS like Docker, rosdep, colcon, and etc. CRP aims to make starting your next robotics project fast and easy.

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Get Started

Step 1: install and build from source

git clone && cd create-ros-project && go build .
# add to path
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Step 2: run the CLI application

Option A: from the project directory

# navigate to the directory containing the executable

Option B: if the executable is in your PATH


Current Features

  • One Command Install: CRP lets you install ROS on your computer without having to check documentations, so you can focus on code, not build projects.
  • Project Templates: CRP templates gives you starter templates with Docker, publishers, subscribers, services, and actions setup and get started right away with you new project.

Roadmap Features

  • Cross-platform compatibility checker for all dependencies of the project
  • ROS distribution versioning updates
  • Customizable project templates